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What We Offer

Since 2007, Live in Place has served ​over 5,000 clients and their families. In that time, our team has encountered many clients with a wide range of medical conditions as well as clients who have suffered injuries due to falls or traumatic accidents. 


Medical conditions and injuries bring life-altering physical and mental challenges you may not have anticipated. Combining these specific medical needs with normal aging issues creates multiple considerations that we can help you address to make home a safer place.  


Many people are surprised to learn that those afflicted with significant neurological conditions can live their entire lives in the familiar, comforting surroundings of their own home. 


Yet changes in muscle tone, balance deficits, and daily energy can greatly affect the ability to function in the home. Live in Place can improve the quality of life and help your loved one thrive again by improving the safety of their surroundings. 


Below are some of the most common medical conditions that can require in-home modifications. Our recommendations and modifications offer comfort and peace of mind while keeping the home as safe as possible for your loved one. 

Parkinson's Disease, MS and ALS
Senior with Parkinsons

Since these are progressive conditions, Live in Place can offer immediate, intermediate and long term solutions as your needs change. 


Muscle tone and strength will change along with other neurological side effects. Eventually, even daily “normal” tasks can become increasingly more challenging and take a lot of extra energy. 


This can bring up a lot of scary questions as these conditions progress:

  • How do I get to different levels of my home safely?

  • How can I continue to get off the toilet and use the shower safely?

  • Will I be able to enter or exit the home safely?

  • Will I have the energy to do the things I desire to do?

  • Can I continue living in my home safely?


Our custom in-home modifications can help with:

  • Mobility getting into, out of and around the home

  • Energy conservation while doing daily activities

  • Safety within the home

COPD and Cardiac Conditions
Elderly woman on oxygen

After a cardiac or COPD episode, the most common question is: “How can I get my life back to normal and preserve as much of my daily routine as possible?”


The first step is making the surroundings safe and addressing activities that may pose breathing challenges.


Cardiac and respiratory issues can increase weakness and fatigue and the basic truth is when fatigue occurs, falls happen. This can impact the way someone interacts with their environment at home. 


Our certified Aging-in-Place Specialists will explain important principles like:

  • Energy conservation

  • Work simplification

  • Good body mechanics

  • Fall prevention

Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Stroke or brain injury can be life altering

Fall prevention and optimal rehabilitation are primary concerns after a brain related incident. We support helping loved ones recuperate in the family home, so they can move beyond survival and feel like themselves again.


After a brain related incident, people can experience:

  • Difficulty breathing

  • New cognitive challenges

  • Paralysis or Paresis

  • Safety concerns


Our Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist will conduct a thorough home assessment and will evaluate:

  • Mobility and balance, at entrances and within the home

  • Safety factors for fall prevention at entryways, on stairs and in bathrooms

  • Assist devices that may be needed to allow for greater independence and mobility

Hands affected by arthritic pain

Arthritis can be extremely painful and brings significant mobility and safety concerns since our balance can be affected by tight joints. 


Tightness in joints can effect:

  • Walking

  • Standing up

  • Sitting down

  • General movement and daily activities​


Enhancing your quality of life while being affected by arthritis or osteoporosis can include home modifications like:

  • Grab bars 

  • Shower seats or benches

  • Raised toilet seats with rails

  • Additional railings around the home

  • Stability aid recommendations


Live in Place's Certified Aging-in-Place Specialists can educate caretakers on home modifications, joint protection, good body mechanics and energy conservation as well.

Spine Conditions
Modify your home to decrease back pain

Spine conditions often pose challenges in many areas of the home and many modifications may be needed in order to remain comfortable in the home after back injuries. 


Challenges can include: 

  • Strength deficits throughout the body, affecting the ability to perform normal daily activities

  • Pain can cause mental fatigue

  • Numbness that affects stability and safety

  • Basic tasks that have become difficult and painful

  • Spinal pain affecting your loved one's ability to sleep at night


Our Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist will assess what modifications are needed to get out of bed, use the bathroom, use the kitchen and more - all while preventing the risk of falling and increasing independence and mobility.


We also educate caretakers concerning important aspects such as:

  • Spinal education about how to stay independent at home

  • How to use good body mechanics in order to prevent falls

  • How support helps with balance

  • How items around the home can be placed so that lifting is minimized


We can work with you to help minimize pain, inflammation and flare-ups while achieving the greatest level of independence and safety in your home.

Slips and falls complicate conditions, but we can prevent them from happening with custom home modifications to alleviate your safety and mobility concerns.


Let us help make home safe again!

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